Tuesday, December 13, 2005

[Rant + Random] Blargh!!

Heehee, after a littaru prompting-wompting from Wyred (and, sadly, I should have made him bribe me with a Buche au Chocolat or Black Pudding), I've finally gotten off my fat buttaru and made another blog post.

First off, I hate my campus connection. I could be running nothing else except FFXI, and it's making a 24k modem look like lightning! <(@_@;)> What kind of bullcrap is that? To make matters worse, two months ago my connection started to go down the drain. I wouldn't have thought that the sudden surge of students online would affect it THAT bad! I've had to resolve to being absent from my beloeved Teamspeak because my bandwidth makes me skip. I skip so badly in FFXI, it... ugh, imagine getting responses about 5+ seconds late. Thank God my cooking mule can make insane loads of pear au lait, and thank God for the random moments I don't get that confounded "Communications seem to be congested" messages when I delivery and receive items! <(>_<)>

Needless to say, it's been majorly getting in the way of my gameplay. Leveling WAR/MNK has become dangerous, and had it not been for the PLer in the PT I reluctantly joined, I firmly believe the PT would have had problems. I seemed to have done a good job holding hate, but, again, my connection was ridiculous. I wouldn't have doubted I've have been able to hold hate with a "normal" connection. This honestly makes me worried, seeing how I'm staticing my NIN/WAR with a couple of friends from TS. I duo-tank with Acolyte as a NIN, so I need to be able to react quickly, and seeing how prohibiting my connection is... yeah, I'm not a happy camper.

On a slightly brighter note... I am such the crafting whore. <(-.-;)> The very instant I upload and update FFXI, what do I do? I go to my Cooking mule and shark up all the new recipes in the Cooking guild... and proceed to post about them on
Somepage.com and KillingIfrit and sending a friendly email to Allakhazam. <(^^;)> Some further reading dug up the recipe for the cute Love Chocolate (HQ: Truelove Chocolate). Someone mentioned it was a Clothcraft, so I went out to personally find out myself. Sure enough...

Love Chocolate (Clothcraft 1, Leathercraft 1, Cooking 1)
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Parchment, Heart Chocolate, Scarlet Ribbon
Result: Love Chocolate
HQ #1: Truelove Chocolate

So, yeah, I made a couple in an attempt to sign an HQ one. Hope all the folks who bought mine enjoy them!

Meh, too frustrated to keep playing. G'nightaru! <(- -)>


At 8:30 PM, Blogger wyred said...


At 2:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry about the connection problems.

Chocolate with paper in it /cry

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

isnt Buche au chocolat..... choclate meat..?

At 10:59 AM, Blogger lyfe said...

Hey whats up.. This is crispy from lyfelaidback nice bloggies here man.

At 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, remember me? I see your still playing =) I wish I would have stayed =/ I lost my POL ID and PW and my registration information so I'd have to start all over if I wanted to come back, is Laftis still playing? Is the guild still alive?

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh wtf.. this is something else, I'm stupid like usual..

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Laftis said...

Yep Kojiz, nice to see you again and yep I remember you made a mule name Laftis Jr long ago. I missed the old day. I think I am coming back to FFXI this weekend just to be a taturu one again and hope to see some old members.

At 5:14 AM, Blogger Laftis said...

Happy New Year:)


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