[Fun!] Juicytrip - ahoi, matey!! <(ノ`▽´)ノ
Alright, so, yesterday, Xiahou of Juicychat had it pre-arranged that Juicychat would have an all-day ferry ride fest (seeing how it was his last day before a heavy work schedule). So, for the whole day, all members of Juicychat camped out on one of the ferries between Mhaura and Selbina, and just fished, fished, fished!!... and killed the occassional mob that popped up, including Sea Horor (twice!) and good ole Silverhook (congratulations, Darah, on the new Seawolf Cudgel!)! Sadly, I wasn't there to enjoy all the bashing due to late-night classes, but I did get to gang-bang our last encounter with Sea Horror! It's adventures like these that remind me not only of how fun Juicychat is, but how fun this game is! I think we scared a lot of folks on the ferry, though, with our, um... antics.
I walked offboard in Mhaura with 0.3 Fishing SUs (Skill-Ups), a stack of Bluetails and Noble Ladies, and 3 Cone Calamary... which, supposedly, could get me from my Fishing 32 to 39, according to Silentwind. I might go back to fishing, again. I miss it so much, and with my newfound BLM -ga spells, would certainly tickle my nukin' self against a mass of bones! I also love my Halcyon Rod even more! It's beating my Composite Rod like... I dunno, but it's great! (=D)
All fruitful antics, mangos, and pirate cat calls aside, one of the wonderful highlights of the trip...
Aerroenu: /sh <Tarutaru> pile on Terren!!
Aerroenu: /sh And <Elvaan>, too!
Aerroenu: /sh And <Hume> if there's any!
Poor Tacdeh... he had to endure our racy emotes throughout the trip (unless he turned the filters on). <(^ ^;)>
The rest, well... you had to be there. <(^ ^;)> God, I love Juicychat, as wrong as we may seem. (xD)