[Fun] Chicken Bones?!

I chose to go to Attowa Chasm.
All the excavation points are in the part of Attowa Chasm where even Lv. 75 folks can get aggro without sneak. What in the world convinced me to choose Attowa Chasm vs. Tahrongi Canyon for those chicken bones? According to various resources, chicken bones are more easily excavated in Attowa Chasm vs. Tahrongi Canyon. Plus, my small sense of adventure pushed me to explore the place. So, off I went to Attowa Chasm.
Along the way, I dug at a few excavation points outside the Maze of Shakrami.

Once there, I looked at a print-out of the map (haven't done the quest - really ought to, haha!) to help me navigate my way to the excavation points. First patch of excavation points I encountered was guarded by the famous poisonous Gasponia grass and lots of undead, including Liches, Mummies, and - A CORSE - EEEEEEEK!! That's what first went through my head when I say the big, dark, looming hulk of a Corse in front of me.
Yep - made the mistake of trying to explore at nighttime. Bad idea.
Of course, taking a friend's note (thanks, Olorin!), I had Sneak up. Getting over the initial shock, I walked among those fiends to an excavation point, paying no attention to the fact that I walked right through that Gasponia grass. <(>___<;)> Sure enough, I got poisoned, and my Stoneskin was the only thing that kept my HP from dipping into the colors, a.k.a. undead magnet range. The HP tick on that stuff is almost as bad as an Uragnite's poison! Back to excavation, though, my digs were... not the greatest.

So, onto the next spot to the west... a.k.a. Tiamat's turf! You heard right, this is the spot where that good old HNM dragon rests her tushy at! Thankfully, she was out for a walk, so nothing but more undead and an Arch Corse guarding that patch. The Arch Corse was enough to convince me to wait the extra minutes for dawn to arrive, so I found a patch against the wall, safe from anything that could aggro, and rested my MP to full as the sun rose in the eastern sky. Then, the only thing guarding those points was the Gasponia grass and two Air Elementals.
Right: no magic.
So, I skedaddled on up there to find the best batches of my dig on that trip.

Overall, though, I did enjoy this little adventure through Attowa Chasm! I, honestly, would consider going back, again, to resume digging for chicken bones, again!
At least next time, though, I'll know better. <(^ ^;)>
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